Everyone agrees and the repeat it more and more: "social networks have changed our lives and the way of doing things". The emergence of social networks has been for many people a whole advantage, as n the case of e-Marketing within enterprises.
Along with the emergence of social networks, many of us begun to open accounts, fill them in with our information such as place of birth, schools where we have studied or upload photos of our daily live. With the refined search tools at the same time many of us have found old friends and family that we had not seen for years.
Since the start of this phenomenon on the internet, there have been appeared many social networks, like for example Facebook, Linkedln, Hi5, Tuenti, MySpace...At the same time marketing companies are increasingly more and more part of their yearly budgets to these pages. One of the advantages is that you can segment your audience that reads the advertising on the basis of age, sex, place, aso...which is a plus for any marketing campaign on the net.
At the same time the majority of the companies on the internet have been creating accounts in the most important social networks, to attract a greater number of clients on the network.
In the case of online booking companies, many of them, like booking.com, are incorporating search engines in their public profiles. Another company, vaca.do, offers the possibility to book a travel package directly from their profile.
Flight companies have not stayed behind and companies like Traveljungle.es, Delta Airlines and many others are also creating and adding tools for the clients from their profiles on Social Networks.
VictoriaCars keeps under constant evolution its profile on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Blogger which are being updated constantly. “Since we have presence in Social Networks have managed to increase and improve communication with our customers both real and existing. The communication of our offers is direct, same as resolving any doubt the customer may have. Indeed, Social Networks have become an important tool for companies in the sector” said Teresa Martinez, Communications Manager at VictoriaCars.
“We are currently working in different applications to integrate into our Facebook profile in order to improve the quality of our customer service before and after the booking is done.” Reaffirms
“We currently offer 5% discount to any client who is a fan of our Facebook profile, if you book through this page. That means that if the client is searching a service for car hire Alicante Airport and car hire Madrid Airport for example and if they want a 5% discount on the prices , only has to become a fan of VictoriaCars in facebook” comment Teresa Martinez
For more information visit the website www.victoriacars.com